Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Court of Annulment: clandestines sentenced because of the lack of identity documents

The Genoan newspaper Il Secolo XIX published November 1st 2003 a piece of news referring of a sentence by Court of Annulment united criminal sections which seems to be willing to adopt a strict interpretation of law against clandestines who do not show documents when required.

According to this sentence migrants irregularly entering Italy will anyway have to show identity documents. The lack of this will be considered a crime and no circumstancies exempting from guilt will justify the crime.
Court of Annulment united criminal sections clarify this debated matter which often saw Court of Annulment sections with different point of view.
United sections rejected the appeal an irregular citizen presented in order to have a sentence cancelled. Sections explained that the lack of identifying documents, or better said the lack of showing documents to public security officers, is to be considered a crime.
Having lost documents or not holding them for any matter is not acceptable and it doesn’t avoid a court sentence.