Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Flows decree – Can papers issued on basis of health matters be converted?

QuestionDearest editorial staff, my best compliments. I would like to ask you a question: can a person that holds papers issued on basis of health (she’s pregnant) convert these papers into labour ones via applying to flows decree’s quota?

Answer – Residence papers issued of basis of health matters are possible because of a special rule (as provided for by Immigration consolidated act art. 19), this rules establishes that pregnant women, who are irregularly staying in Italian territory, have the right to a special permit that allows them to stay in Italy during pregnancy and until the baby turns six months old.

Proceedings that are usually applied allow this conversion into labour residence papers, police headquarters usually act this way but some of them states that health permits are special visas that safeguard newborns and they would not allow any conversion.
A sentence, issued by court in Bologna, which we commented and can be read at our web page, states that health permits can be converted into family papers without leaving Italy; but this is the only case a court established such a principle.
A similar to the quoted principle such be enfornced also in case of conversion to labour residence papers.

We hope that things will work in this sense, but we cannot assure anyone how qualified offices will behave.