Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Flows decree – What is it to happen in case migrant workers are in Italy on basis of tourism visas when application forms are given in?

QuestionGoodmorning and compliments for your web-page, it is really well done! I would like to ask you a question. What is it to happen in case a migrant worker that is authorised to seasonal employment (past flows decree) is in Italy on basis of tourism visas when application forms are given in? Should he go back to his country of origin and apply to entry visa or should he remain in Italy and convert his residence papers?
Thanks a lot.

Answer – The rules for the enforcement of Bossi-Fini law has not so far implemented the rules on such a matter, nethertheless they restricted the chance of converting papers. Tourism visas has never been allowed to be converted to subordinated labour residence papers. Former rules authorised the conversion into self-employment papers.
This means that this person we are talking about needs to go back to his/her country of origin. He/she will need to leave Italy before tourism visa expires because he otherwise may risk to be ordered expulsion at the moment he/she leaves Schengen area.
He/she needs therefore to go back home and then he/she needs to go to the Italian consular representatives and show them the authorisation to labour. Consular representatives will then issue the well known entry visa. This person will be able to come back to Italy and appky to residence papers. This implies some expenses and the waste of some time, but Italian migrantion management politics seem not to care about this.