Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Migration flows in Italy

By Caritas/Migrantes « Immigration statistical dossier »

2002 regularization, after the managing of 704.000 application forms, remains an everyday matter. The problem we today face is how to have new entries and how to have them regularly live here. Minister of interior data help focusing on such a matter. 2,500,000 migrant citizens regularly live in Italy. Romenian citizens are the most, Morocco and Albania come right after: each of the quoted countries have 250,000 of their citizens living and working here. Ukraine comes fourth (120,000).

Eastern European countries data deserve to be better studied. The 60% of applicants come from these countries, they are one third of the migrant community as a whole.
Northen Africa, South America and Asia (China, Philippine and India) also derserve to be evaluated.
In order to understand these data we need to remember that, a part from geographical closeness, people come here because of work demand and family rejoinings.
2002 regularization was the fifth in twenty years, this clearly means that these exceptional measures are the way the most of migrants regulize their position. In fact flows decree quotas are too few and too little practicable.
From 1999 on the need of migrants has increased of 200,000 workers a years. 2004 flows decree allowed open-end contracts are 29.500.

In addition to this, people can regularly come to Italy only if employed when living abroad. Professional training courses performed in countries of origin also allow to some few entries, but the problem stays the same unchaged.

According to Immigration statistical dossier Presidency « there is a strong need of adaptation of quotas and also a more adequate connection between labour demand and offer. The EU rules/suggestion on temporary looking for a job residence papers were not enacted in Italy.

We immediately need to be more open to migrants coming from Eastern Europe countries. We need to increase integration (services, culture, vote, citizenship, etc.)
Predictable flows show that italy is a country of great immigration, this reclaims as a consequence an adequate policy on immigration management.