Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Non EU citizens excluded from second child family benefits

September 30 2003 law decree n. 269 (law n. 326 november 24th 2003) concerns benefits issued to mothers delivering second children: from December 1st on all Italian and EU mothers are entitled to ask for a maternity benefit (1.000 euros) issued to each child born after one or more children in the family. This will last through out 2004 and it will be issued to any mother independently from the family income.

As already said and as law confirms only Italian and EU mothers are entitled to the benefit. We are facing another discriminating dispensation to the principle stated in Immigration consolidated act according to which non EU citizens regularly living in the territory should have the same rights Italian and EU citizens have in social assistance. The new law clearly discriminates foreign mother and is contradictory to consolidated act.

The law is a discriminatory law and it shows an evident racial implication: it only sustains Italian and EU new borns. Fortunately nature works differently and our society should thank non EU citizens for incresing its growth.