Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Practical instructions – “Out of quota” entrance: formative and orientative internships

The formative and orientative internship consists of a short work experience in firms or public organizations in order to facilitate the professional choices through a direct knowledge of the world of work.

1. If the foreigner is already regularly staying in Italy
The Italian law allows the regularly staying foreign citizen to do formative internships and some short work experiences in firms or public organizations. The access to internships is allowed, normally, if these people have a visa that allows to work in Italy (for example: for subordinate work, for self-employing, for family reasons, for study – within the limit of 20 hours per week), political asylum or humanitarian protection.

2. If the foreigner is not already regularly staying in Italy
The citizen of a non-EU country can enter in Italy for doing formative internships.
The possibility of entrance in Italy for doing formative and orientative internships falls within the particular cases of “out of quota” entrances previewed by law 27.
Go to the file dedicated to this argument

The formative and orientative internship is not a work, it does not preview a contract stipulated directly between the apprentice and the hosting firm, but rather a convention subscribed between a credited promoter organization, which operates as an intermediary (for ex: Centres for Employment, Universities, scolar istitutions, public centres of vocational training, etc.) and the public or private hosting employer .
It’s not required for this type of entrances the working authorization.

Even though it’s not subjected to the regime of immigration quotas, the Italian Government decides every year, through a decree, the number of foreigner who are allowed for entranve in Italy to do this kind of activities.
In relation to the year 2006 and 2007 it has been fixed with a maximum limit of 5,000 entrances from abroad for formative internships, divided among Regions and autonomous Provinces.

How to require the entry visa:
The entry visa for studying or formative reasons is issued directly from the diplomatic-consular delegation, within the limits of a yearly determined quota.

To obtain the issuing of entry authorization, it’s necessary doing the permit request enclosing an internship project.
The project must guarantee also the availability of an accomodation and of sustenance for the whole period of internship, as well as normal duties deriving from the stipulation of the convention for the internship in a firm.
The internship projects must be pre-emptively approved from Regions, to whose discipline in matter of internships and formation one does explicit postponement in order to the spotting of a competent subject for approving the project, once verified the regularity and adequacy of the latter.

Regarding the models of conventions and internship project, it must be used the ones advised on the referential region law and only in lack of them it may be used the ones enclosed on the interdepartmental decree of 22 march 2006.

See the model of Piacenza Province
See the model of Torino Province

Translated by Alessia Bertin