Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

The telematic procedure (in brief)

The telematic procedure introduced by Decreto Flussi (Flows Decree) 2007 enables the applicant to forward via PC the applications concerning: the Flows Decree (for temporary or permanent work), conversion of the permit to stay, requests for family reunification, as well as requests for authorization for out of quota (“fuori quota”) entry.

The submission dates for the different types of work entry (with the checking of the quotas ) are fixed from time to time by the Flows Decree.

Since the 10th of April 2008 it is possible to forward the requests for the family reunification and the depending relatives authorization. Since the 19th of May 2008 it is possible to forward the requests for the out of quota entries.

To fulfill the telematic procedure you should dispose of:
A personal computer;
A web connection;
The data required to the compilation.

The steps which must be completed are:

1. Sign up to the system:

In order to be able to access the online procedure concerning the request for fill in forms, the user has to sign up on the website of the service for the telematic submission of the applications

For the signing up a valid and functioning e-mail address is required.

2. Request for the form:

The registered user can access the area concerning the request for application forms. Based on the performed request, the system sees to generate the fill in form in the electronic format.

In order to generate the form concerning the entry due to work reasons, it will be necessary to fill in information regarding the employer and the place where the employee is going to work, with the purpose of identifying the Sportello Unico qualified to release to authorization. In order to generate the form concerning the family reunification, it will be necessary to fill in information regarding the applicant and the place of residence of the his/her relative, with the purpose of identifying the consular delegation where to get the visa.

3. The first downloading of the generated form:

The form generated by the system must be saved by the user. A precise area on the website allows to access the generated forms list in order to download the concerning form.

4. Installation of the program regarding the fill in applications on your own personal computer:

In order to fill in the form previously saved, it is necessary to use a specific program available on the website (a java environment is also needed). The program has to be downloaded and installed on your personal computer.

[ Download program ]

5. Importing and filling in the form:

The installed program enables the user to import the form on his/her personal computer and to proceed filling it with the requested information. During this stage it is not necessary a web connection.

The fields concerning the information forwarded during the request stage cannot be modified.

Watch out: all the obligatory fields must be filled in, otherwise the system will not allow the reception of the form.

6. The completed form can be saved:

Once the form is completed, it will be possible to save it, in order to allow a new modification. Through the entry “salva per invio” (save to send), it is possible to save it for the last time; afterwards it will be impossible to modify the information.

7. Submission of the completed form:

In order to carry out the submission procedures concerning the Flow Decree it will be necessary to synchronize your own watches with the one of the Ministry of the Interior and do a connection checking.

Through the fill in program, it is possible to send the forms, properly completed, to the service for the telematic submission of the applications when established by the Flows Decree.

The operation is fulfilled through the program used during the compilation of the applications.

In order to submit the application, it is necessary to be connected to Internet.

The applications regarding the family reunification and the requests for the depending relative authorization can be submitted anytime, as well as the one for the out of quota entries.

The user will receive an answering e-mail confirming the forwarding and stating the arrival time. Through the website it is then possible to see your submitted application.

Translated by Oprea Mihaela