Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

There’s only one mother

What an Italian mp said on bigamy and on the right to family rejoining

The issue we are to consider refers of the way with which a recent Bologna court sentence was treated.
Bologna court judge accepted a 23 years old residing in Bologna Moroccan boy appeal on family rejoining. This persons father has two wives.
This boy asked for rejoining with his mother. The application was rejected because of his father bigamy, he appealed to court and according to T.U. art. 30 the judge agrred on the release of the authorization to family rejoining.
This wouldn’t be ecceptional if Forza Italia mp Garagnani didn’t raise so much fuss on the sentence. This mp is welknown for having promoted history school books revision and a phone number open to report teachers expressing personal opinions. Garagnani presented a note to Ministries of Justice and of Interior reporting the fact that according to his own point of view the judge in Bologna with this sentence would allow bigamy and this is to be considered dangerous to Italian order.
Never was in Italy accepted bigamy, some time ago we commented upon the fact that Bologna court denied family rejoining to second wives.
In other words only one of the two wives can enter Italy on a legal basis since Italian state doesn’t consider bigamy lawful.
These principles are stated in our juridical set of rules.
But this is clearly different from the case we are studying at the moment. In fact this case doesn’t mean to accept bigamy, it is about a man wanting to live with his mother who happens to be the second wife of the boy’s father. The only mother this boy has is this lady.
There is no difference on the usual parents rejoining with their children procedure.
Italian family right code recognizes full rights to children and parents, also to children born outside marriage. This clearly means that an unlawful wife holds full rights on her children as well.
Bigamy has really nothing to do with this case. The mp took the chance to do some politics, unfortunately he didn’t consider the fact that Italy is welknown for its “mother” closeness culture.