Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Florence 21/22 of October 2006 IWW (Invisible Workers of the World)

The IWW network has been raised as a space of politicization of
migrant peoples around some significative experiences of autonomous
struggle and base trade unionism.
A new métisse and insurgent
presence has showed up through struggles on workplaces and for
social rights, in house squatting, in struggles for income and
against processes of invisibilization, underpowering, and
exploitation of live labour.
It has showed up also in the
disobedience actions against european and national laws supposed to
control the mobillity of migrant work and flexibilization/
precarization of work, in those against the detention centers for
immigrants and in the revolts that have shaken them from whithin.
new crossover insurgent subjectivity has grown up.

The extraordinary meeting of IWW in Verona, on june 3 of 2006, has
marked another important step in this direction.
Several hundreds of
migrants and precarious workers have met, have exchanged ideas and
experiences, have assumed a common agenda for the conflicts to come.
They have discussed on the long cycle of global struggles opened with
the massacre on the border between Ceuta and Melilla, from the
insurgence in the french banlieues and from the social strike of
immigrants in the USA.
An european space for struggle its open again
as a space of resistance agaist the politics of control and
containment that have an european, more than national, label.

We believe that the IWW self-organized struggles (ranging from he
struggles for a social wage and housing, the direct actions against
the detention camps and the related businnes, the strikes in the
construction sites and the struggles against the urban ghettoes)
should be radicalized, intensified, organized.
With this strategy we
are approaching to the third european day of action, called by the
Bamako Social Forum for migrants rights and against the control and
filter dispositives risen along the borders of the fortress Europe
and inside of it such as detention camps and immigration laws.

The migration issue has been pushed into the center of the social
movements agenda by a variety of struggles and crisis: the recent
outcome of the sans papiers in France and Belgium, the re-opening in
Spain and Italy of the debate about the reform of immigration
In the last case, we where sure that no significative
difference was going to be shown between right and left wing
Left and right government share the practices of the
discipline on migration fluxes and hierarchical citizenship
implementation, as also they promote the delegation to the eastern
and southern border countries the running of detention facilities and
the militarization of the border.
In this frame we feel the need to
re-think the labour rights from and within the conflict, redefining
them out of any compatibility with the state of things that Europe
defends with its rifles along the borders.

IWW it is not a place to only reclaim the initiatives, but a space of
auto-organization for the social conflict that is open to all those
recognize themselves in a common of struggles made of direct action
and desobedience, resistance, iniciative and research on the grounds
of invisibilty, fragmentation and precarization of labour that the
migrants have first experimented in its harshness.

So we look for a space of self-organization in which direct action
and trade union struggle, house squatting, wall crackdown and legal
aid can be extended and re-articulated together.
These trayectories
of the new insurgencies should meet the ground of biopolitics, social
reproduction, social rights, and get into the metropolitans flows of
capitalist accumulation to break it down.

Its a space that seeks radical change.
That dares to meet the high
complexity of questions that the migrant struggles are rising in
That’s way we need sharing, discussion, experimentation.

IWW will meet in Florence, on 21 and 22 of october, in an european
workshop meeting that we want to be the real foundation of the IWW
We should define the general lines of the political action
and the way of functioning of the front-offices.
On saturday we
propose a meeting in the morning to rise an european frame to analize
the politics of precarization of labour force with a special
attention to migrant labour experiences.
In the afternoon we should
go on with three workshops about the main questions raised in the
morning and that will face the mains functions, organization issues
for the front-offices.
The same spaces should perform in the same
time, assistance, research and conflict.
The main issues are:
housing, citizen rights, struggles on the workplace.
The three
workshops will be opened by a speech that will introduce the
discussion. The seminar will end up with a plenary in which the
workshops will merge in the discussion.
We need to figure out how to
support the IWW network and by which connections.

In a short time we will comunicate the exact place and time schedule
of the meeting that will be held in the city Florence.

This document aims to open the discussion and to invite you to come
and partecipate.