Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Special– Italian Language Test for the Issuance of the Long – Term Permit of Stay

The explicative circular, the language test, the illustrated procedure for the exam enrolment

Starting from December 2010, the interdepartmental order of 4th June that was published on the Official Gazzette on 11th June, will come into force. The decree, that implements comma 2 bis of art. 9TU and that was introduced with the law “Pacchetto Sicurezza” (Security Package) on 9th August 2009, looks at the procedure for the Italian language test which will be useful to attain the A2 certification and for the issuance of the long-term permit of stay.

It would be a new obstacle for a lot of immigrants. To have been living in Italy for at least 5 years and to be in possession of all the other requirements anticipated by the art. 9 of the Consolidation Act, aspire to attain the Long-term permit of stay which has no expiry date & gives a larger range of rights comparing with an ordinary permit of stay.

The question about the language test introduction for the Permit, a prelude to a more complex system of points planned by the Integration Agreement of Art. 4 bis TU but which has not been brought about yet, is absolutely under discussion.

Learning Italian language, an exceptional instrument for migrants to become part of our country, will become instead an important requirement. In fact, without this requirement , it will not be possible to attain the issuance of the long-term permit of stay. Learning and certifying are two different factors that do not have an automatic result. The certification as a recognition of a voluntary way of learning depending on time & subjective methods, personal ability & turn, differs from the introduction of a compulsory language test which is discriminating for the right of stay evaluation.
Against an existence to points, open letters to teachers & Italian language Schools for Migrants
Maroni – Integration points. Not concentrate of Crumbs
The language cannot make difference – Italian test for the long term permit of stay

The Ministry of the Interior, with circular No. 7589 of 16th November 2010 already prepared & illustrated the instructions for the telematic enrolment (through the site which is not yet active) and to book the exam.

Translated by Mary Rose Manalastas