Per la libertà di movimento, per i diritti di cittadinanza

Nauru Hunger Strike Suspended


Update 10 Jan: Government hinders Independent Medical team to Nauru
The 33 remaining Hunger strikers on Nauru have suspended their protest. (Read The Age Report) According to an ABC radio report, they made the decision after hearing of plans for an independent Australian medical team to travel to the island. According to Hassan Ghulam, the hunger strikers representative in Australia, “they were encouraged by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ decision to review Afghan cases based on the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.” (See also ‘Afghanistan is Lost’) However, it has not been agreed who will fund the independent Medical teams willing to go to Nauru to assess the health of the hunger strikers. The team of doctors wants to do a comprehensive and independent review of the entire medical service provision on Nauru.
This follows worldwide media coverage gained by the Hunger Strike, including the gutsy reporting of conditions on Nauru by two New Zealand reporters, and a report by Amnesty International Australia dated 6 Jan. Early this week the Nauru Finance Minister, in a press release and letter to The Age, said that Australia had neglected its humanitarian duties and broken its Memorandum of Understanding with the Nauru Government over the detaining and care of the asylum seekers. A cyber sit-in on Monday 5th January successfully closed down the Department of Immigration website for periods during the day.

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