Qarkore e dates 16/10/2002 n. 79

Konfermohet qe KODI FISKAL do te jepet ne momentin e thirrjes prane sportelit shumefunksinesh krijuar ne te gjitha prefekturat. Qarkorja jep udhezime operative per zgjidhjen e rasteve te OMOCODIA (dy ose me shume persona qe kane te njejtin kod fiskal ne baze

Memorandum 79 Oct. 16 2002: explanations

Regularized workers fiscal code release Memorandum confirms that FISCAL CODE is to be released on the occasion of Prefettura multifunctional counter calling. Memorandum gives practical instructions in order to solve cases of homocodes (two or more persons holding the same fiscal code

Garanzia e shtepise

Behet fjale per nje çeshtje e cila ka krijuar shume dyshime e shume pyetje nga direkt te interesuarit. Shume shpesh, ne fakt, punedhenesi shqetesohet per faktin qe duhet te jete ai qe t’i afroj nje shtepi punetorit te huaj, pasi ne momentin

Accomodation warranty

Accomodation warranty If a worker already has a home, it doesn’t mean that regularization will oblige employers to find a new accomodation, it is indeed clear that the law’s aim is that each person applying for regularization has anyway an accomodation. If